Thursday, February 1, 2007

Words to Live By from Elder Robert D. Hales

I spotted this article Ten Axioms to Guide Your Life by Elder Hales when I got my Ensign this month and couldn't wait to read it. Let me just briefly summarize and encourage you to read the whole article. It is really worth the time.
1. Everyone faces obstacles in this life. We can overcome them in one of three ways: Ask for help; Stop and take care of the problem ourselves; or just plow through the mess and hope to come out safely on the other side. All of these are viable options. Using the Atonement in our lives is one of the most effective ways to face obstacles.
2. Pursue goals with all your "heart, might, mind and strength." When we decide on a goal we want to pursue focus on the goal. If we are not working with singleness of purpose and conviction, going half-heartedly from one goal to another we work harder not smarter. We have to decide what we want and go for it!
3. Don't criticize, don't judge others. Don't let differences in personality get in the way of living with compassion.
4. Use the talents with which the Lord has blessed you for His glory and not for the praise or approval of others.
5. Don't be afraid to fail. We can learn things through failure that we couldn't learn any other way.
6. Crossing the finish line in this life is what matters--not how fast we run. The Lord doesn't expect us to run faster than we have strength but He does expect us to endure to the end!
7. "Temporal means 'temporary.' And temporary things cannot bring eternal happiness."
8. In order to learn the Lord's will for us we have to exercise agency and become accountable for our actions.
9. The world is moving farther and farther away from the us. We have to be a light on the hill to our friends and neighbors so that they can reach across that gap and have goodness and light through our righteous examples.
10. "Go to the temple. The endowment is the eternal curriculum. In it we are taught where we came from and why we are here on earth, and we are given the promise of achieving life eternal in the celestial kingdom if we obey the commandments and covenants. "

So there it is in a nutshell. What a blessing it is to belong to the Lord's church. I love the gospel and I am so thankful for it and for the inspired leaders who lead us along the path to eternal life.

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